Case Study | MGM Stone Fabrication


MGM Stone Fabrication began in the installation industry in 1994. In 2000, they moved into fabrication and they hit the ground running by purchasing three Park Industries® machines in 2001.

With the industry shifting to fabricating mainly Quartz material, MGM purchased a FUSION® 4045 SL. Mario believes that the FUSION® and Pathfinder® have brought them to a whole new level. It has eliminated turning tables in their fabrication process. They have kept their new machinery working hard and have only positive feedback for Park Industries®.

“With our most recent purchase of the FUSION® we have doubled our production. Before the FUSION® our production, with overtime, was typically 15 kitchens a week. Now, we turn out 30 kitchens a week with NO overtime.”

People often ask Mario Fricano how they have such a high production with their small square footage space. His answer? They work with efficient machines and smart people. MGM has had a partnership with Park Industries® for over 15 years and Mario can’t think of anything he would like to change. He believes the people are knowledgeable and the product is great.

“We have been with Park since day one. If we could describe Park Industries® in one word it would be great customer service.” Mario laughs as he admits that they have made strong attempts to stump the customer service people at Park. Just when they believe that they have a near unsolvable problem, Park will solve the issue with ease. “We haven’t been able to stump them yet!”

MGM Stone Fabrication
Elk Grove Village, IL

Weekly Production: About 30 kitchens
Park Equipment Owned: JAGUAR C3000, SIERRA®, WIZARD, FUSION® 4045 SL, Pathfinder® 1200
Relationship with Park: MGM Stone Fabrication has been partnering with Park and invested in Park equipment for 16 years and counting.