Titan manual correction

Guide Number: SG0595 | Printer Friendly Version | View Safety Disclaimer

An error has been found in the TITAN ITM Calibration Tool Setup procedure. Please ensure that step A (shown below) reads 0.1 and not 1.0 in your TITAN Operation and Maintenance manual.

This screen is located in the following Operation and Maintenance manuals:
TITAN 1700 – page 4-111 or page 4-113
TITAN 1600/1800 manual – page 3-127 or page 3-129
TITAN FabCenter manual – page 4-107 or page 4-123, or page 4-141 or page 4-143
If you have any questions, call Customer Support at 1-800-785-3391.

Last updated: June 6, 2014

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Prior to beginning installation, operation, or maintenance, you are advised to carefully read ALL instruction manuals and ALL safety materials and procedures provided with your equipment.

You are solely liable for the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment.

Park Industries® is not responsible for and expressly disclaims liability for any injuries (including death) or damage to the equipment or any other property as a result of improper operation or maintenance of the equipment, as well as failure to comply with the procedures set forth in the equipment’s instructional manual or any other safety materials and procedures. If you encounter any problems or difficulties, you are strongly encouraged to seek professional assistance.

Safety is our number one concern. Should you have any questions don’t hesitate to call our service team at 800-785-3391.