fastback ii edge polisher flat edge stone polishing machine



The life of a stone shop owner is a busy one. With “not enough hours in the day”, Roland of Granitex, looked to improve his polishing efficiency. He wanted a machine that was quick and durable with easy parts and service.

Roland chose the FASTBACK® II Flat Edge Polisher from Park Industries®.

He explains, “It’s clear to me that the FASTBACK® II was my best choice. The machine quality is superior – some of the others use too much plastic, I mean how long will they last?”

The SlabBACK support system, allowing Granitex to run parts up to 96” tall, also played a big part in their decision. Roland states, “I know you can run larger parts without the support, but it’s risky doing that. Having the SlabBACK allows us to run large pieces with our operator’s and the machine’s safety in mind.”


As soon as the FASTBACK® II arrived at Granitex, it made its presence known. Roland shares, “The FASTBACK® II has been tremendous. It turns 3 days of work into 3 hours. It’s given us extra hours back into our day.”

He continues, “It’s a huge asset to our shop. We have 5 machines now, but none have had as big of an impact as the FASTBACK II. It’s helped us from day one.”

Roland polishes at about 50-60 IPM on the machine, which he describes as “plenty fast” and “keeps the operator moving”.


One tradition at Granitex, is to name their new machines. Roland’s son dubbed their saw “Joe” and his daughter named a machine “Friday”. When the FASTBACK® II went in, it was Roland’s wife’s turn to name the new machine.

He explains, “She noticed I had been coming home earlier since the machine was installed. She would ask me ‘What’s going on? Don’t you have anything more to do or what?’ I told her we have this awesome new machine named the FASTBACK®. So she told me I had to name it ‘SitBack’ because it’s helped me sit back and relax.”

Other nicknames we’ve heard for the FASTBACK® II are: MoneyPress, ATM, Speed Demon, and now “SitBack“.

While FASTBACK® II remains the machine’s official name, it’s a treat for us at Park Industries to hear when it earns a new nick name for helping our customers. Have a nickname for your FASTBACK® II? Let us know and we’ll add it to the list!